Evaluation of Listing Operation in 2013-TDHS: the case of Ankara
Arda Kumas, Hacettepe University
Frame is a vital issue for sampling design in household surveys. Before the surveys, frames are obtained in several ways. One of them is listing for Turkish Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS). Until 2008, only listing operation had been carried out for TDHSs. After the creation of Address Based Registration System (ABPRS), both ABPRS and listing has been done for TDHS 2008 and TDHS 2013. ABPRS in which the demographic information of people according to their residence is kept updated their population movements are followed at any moment and the persons are matched with their residential according to the Turkish Republic Identification number in MERNIS registry. Although, the listing operation has been done for TDHS, for some other Surveys, like National Research on Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey 2008(DVAW), frames has been obtained from different source directly(from ABPRS). For Surveys, due to selection of households drawn from frame, it affects the results, validity and reliability. The principal objective of this thesis is to demonstrate and discuss benefits and drawbacks of listing, necessity of listing, does the ABPRS can be used instead of listing and does this change work efficiently or not, etc. In this thesis, I plan to figure out these questions. Due to ,for both survey(TDHS 2013 and DVAW 2013),the ongoing field operation, results and discussion of the thesis is going to get ready by end of June and ready to present these results in EPC conference 2014 Hungary.
Presented in Poster Session 1