
Thursday, June 26 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

1Cohabitation on both sides of the Atlantic
2Health, well-being and morbidity
3Causes of death
4Family formation and transition to adulthood
5Demographic consequences of gender inequality and division of labour
6Investing in the quality of children
7Internal migration and residential segregation
8Changing unions: trends and impacts
9Parental leave uptake: causes and consequences
10Pensions and retirement
11Gender, sexuality and reproductive health
12Population dynamics and climate change

Thursday, June 26 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

13Contextual characteristics of fertility behaviour
14Families and households
15Gender and family
16Biodemography and the life course
17Internal migration and urbanization
18Intergenerational relations: norms and behaviour
19Gender dynamics and fertility
20Data and methods
21Demographic impact of environmental hazards
22Special thematic session on demographic transition: processes and consequences, 19-20th century
23Mortality in subpopulations
24Sexual and reproductive health

Thursday, June 26 / 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

P1Poster session 1

Thursday, June 26 / 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

25Prospects of fertility determinants worldwide
26Assortative mating and religiousness
27Living apart together
28Mortality and longevity
29Trajectories into old age
30Internal migration of immigrants
31Social networks among new immigrants and the foreign born
32New roles of women and men and societal implications in diverse policy contexts
33Associations, pathways and familial background
34Work, employment and income in an uncertain world
35Intergenerational links, care arrangements and well-being

Thursday, June 26 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

36Linking policy and demographic trends: European and international perspectives
37Socioeconomic well-being of partnership
38Child well-being, health and development
39Living arrangements
40Ageing and intergenerational relations
41Work-family dynamics among immigrant populations
42Economic crisis, uncertainty and fertility
43Bias in demographic surveys
44Fertility and reproductive behaviour among immigrant populations
45Demographic discourses in the 18-20th century
46Teenage pregnancy outcomes

Friday, June 27 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

47International migration and migrant populations
48Intergenerational transmissions of fertility behaviour
49Separation and divorce
50Health and education
51Labour force participation and family
52Employment and fertility
53Economic integration of immigrant populations
54Family and residential migration
55Health in contexts
56Demographic concepts and indicators
57Desirable and undesirable consequences of mobility
58Induced abortion

Friday, June 27 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

59Social network and fertility
60Special thematic session on family systems and transitions
61Immigration and ageing
62Bi-national marriages and marriage migration
63Childcare, work and family
64Determinants and outcomes of health care and medication use
65Assortative mating, marriage and divorce
66Determinants of distress and depression
67Special thematic session on transitions: opportunities and threats
68Household formation, marriage and social mobility in the past
69Economic recession and family
70Reproductive health outcomes

Friday, June 27 / 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

P2Poster session 2

Friday, June 27 / 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

71Special thematic session on fertility transition: opportunities and threats
72Fertility and happiness
73Immigration and the welfare state
74Trends, determinants and patterns of cohabitation
75Family formation and the labour market
76Health at older ages
77Subjective health: How do people rate their own health status?
78Human capital and inequality
79Economic context and internal migration in Europe
80Longevity and measures of mortality
81Dealing with population ageing and ageing labour forces
82Contraceptive use in low and middle income countries

Friday, June 27 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

83Healthy ageing prospects: challenges and opportunities for policy makers
84Migration intentions of immigrants and natives
85Family ideals and preferences
86Family policy and fertility
87Family structure and intergenerational relations
89Child well-being and family experience
90New methodological approaches to demographic forecasts and projections
91Population, development, and the environment
92Reproductive health and rights issues
93Maternal and reproductive health care
94Policy settings and partnership dynamics among immigrants

Friday, June 27 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

P3Poster session 3

Saturday, June 28 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

95Socioeconomic status, inequalities and economic conditions
96Fertility of immigrants
97Health and well-being in the ageing process
98Emigration and depopulation
99Economics, human capital and labour markets
100Education and fertility
101Childlessness, fertility and employment
102Special thematic session on transitions: immigration and demographic change in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
103Retirement and ageing
104Regional demography: new data and approaches
105Domestic violence and reproductive rights (merged with session 92)

Saturday, June 28 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

106The great recession and fertility
107Unions and fertility
108Union formation and union dissolution
109Gender assumptions, policy design and demographic outcomes: focus on fertility
110Intergenerational economic transfers
111International migration: moving on or moving back?
112Assisted reproductive technology: challenges in low fertility settings
113Housing, education and internal migration
114Demographic transition from micro-perspective, 18-20th century
115Multiple aspects of mortality and health
117IUSSP Laureate Session: Thérèse Locoh and Gender Issues in Population Studies