Session 10:
Pensions and retirement
Chair: Robert I. Gal, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute
Differentials in pension prospects for minority ethnic groups in the U.K. Athina Vlachantoni, University of Southampton ; Maria Evandrou, University of Southampton ; Jane C. Falkingham, University of Southampton ; Zhixin Feng, University of Bristol
The effect of retirement on Italian couples’ labour division: a simultaneous equation approach Marcantonio Caltabiano, Università di Messina ; Maria Gabriella Campolo, Università di Messina ; Antonio Di Pino, Università di Messina
Retirement behavior of the Swedish notch babies: evidence from the job episodes in the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe Haodong Qi, Lund University
Do grandchildren influence retirement? The presence of grandchildren and the geographical distance between grandparents and grandchildren at retirement transition Linda Kridahl, Stockholm University
Pension age reform and changes in retirement patterns: the case Estonia in the 2000s Marden Nõmm, Tallinn University ; Lauri Leppik, Tallinn University ; Allan Puur, Tallinn University
Other sessions on Ageing and intergenerational relations