Friday, June 27 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM   •   Lecture Room 324

Session 88:

Chair: Anna Matysiak, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU)

  1. Do genetic markers for infertility problems predict childlessness and completed fertility?Jornt Mandemakers, University of Groningen ; Nicola Barban, University of Groningen ; Melinda Mills, University of Groningen ; Harold Snieder, University of Groningen

  2. Choosing to remain childless? A comparative study of fertility intentions among women and men in Italy and BritainFrancesca Fiori, University of St Andrews ; Francesca Rinesi, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Elspeth Graham, University of St Andrews

  3. Serial monogamy: an increasingly common pathway to childlessnessRannveig V. Kaldager, Statistics Norway and University of Oslo

  4. Why childless men and women give up the desire for a childJohannes Huinink, University of Bremen ; Petra Buhr, University of Bremen

Other sessions on Fertility