Long-term international circular migration: empirical evidence from Hungary
Sándor Illés, Eötvös Loránd University
Mary Rédei, West-Hungarian University
Aron Kincses, Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
The contribution provides empirical evidence relevant to the long-term international circular migrants admitted into Hungary. The principal aim of this research is to quantify the occurrence of circulation within international migration with the help of a case study. We measure the demographic and spatial patterns associated with international circular migration. First, we define the concept of circulation within the conceptual framework of transnationalism. Second, we create macro-scale data on long term international circular migrants based on an original statistical method. We seek to gain further insight into the composition of international circular immigrants by gender, age, family status and country of citizenship. The full paper relates to the before crises period of 2006-2008. The analysis of the crises data set (2009-2011)is now in progress. It provides unique opportunity to compare two periods examined and explore the effect of economic crises on the process of international circular migration and the demographic composition of circulars.
See paper
Presented in Session 111: International migration: moving on or moving back?