Residential emancipation and household formation of young adult: the case of Barcelona Metropolitan area
Silvia Casola, Universitat de Barcelona
Cristina López, Universitat de Barcelona
The economic and financial crisis that severely affected the southern Europe has impacted on the way to form and dissolve households. In the same way, the delayed emancipation of young people in Mediterranean countries has traditionally been a distinguishing feature of the process of emancipation and household formation regions of the south the crisis has also affected the calendar. Young people , who are at the beginning of the construction of their biographies autonomously processes of emancipation and formation of new households are particularly affected by this situation and develop themselves and their families , several strategies when forming a new home or not. These new homes, mostly consisting of young people leaving the family home, are the engine family changes have occurred in recent years. The aim of this paper is, firstly describe what forms of cohabitation of young people in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region ( BMR ) and segond,establishing an approach to principlas strategies according to demographic characteristics of youth empowerment . Sex, age, level of education, relationship with activity and nationality together with the effects of the crisis have a clear effect on the way these kids live and emancipated. The Barcelona Metropolitan Region represents 64.14% of the Catalan population and urban area where there is a difference between the trajectories that occur in the center and the rest of the region. Data are taken from the Survey of Youth in Catalonia in 2012, official statistics of the Government of Catalonia which allows us to approach the situation of young people. This is based on the living conditions and processes of transition to adulthood. He studied youth 15 to 34 years, divided into two groups: young-young (15-24 years) and young-adult (25-34 years).
Presented in Poster Session 1