Determinants of fertility intentions of Polish women: the role of local childcare institutions
Anna Kurowska, University of Warsaw
Ewelina Slotwinska-Roslanowska, Warsaw School of Economics
The aim of our research is to explore the role of the availability of local childcare institutions on fertility intentions of Polish women in the broader context of work-family reconciliation factors. We observe a very high variability in the access to formal childcare in Poland at the local level. We expect that the lower the availability of institutional childcare, the higher will be the risk for a women to have no childbearing plans in future. The analysis is performed on the data gathered during the first round of the GGS-PL 2010/2011 supplemented with the information on the local institutional childcare provided by the Ministry of Education. Basic descriptive statistics and correlations will be presented to support the conclusions drawn from the estimation of relevant logit model.
Presented in Session 86: Family policy and fertility